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Product information "Q Arms TPC19Q for rattler TS19"

Die Qarms TPC19Q Schutzkappe ist speziell für das AGM Rattler TS19-256 entwickelt und produziert.

Durch die Verwendung von hochfesten Aluminiun wird die Möglichkeit einer Beschädigung der Linse, durch einen direkten Treffer von Paintballs oder Airsoft BBs auf ein Minimum reduziert. 

Die feine Wabenstruktur welche die Linse des Rattler TS19-256 Thermalscopes schützt, ist auf maximale Sicherheit konzipiert ohne dass die Funktion beeinträchtigt wird.

Natürlich wirkt die Wabenstruktur wie eine Lochblende was einen leichten Schein um die hellsten Stellen am Bildschirm entstehen lässt aber im Vergleich zum Risiko einer Beschädigung ist diese 

Qualitätsminderung nicht der Rede wert. 

Die Montage der TPC19Q Schutzkappe erfolgt durch einfaches Aufstecken auf die original Befestigung der standard Schutzklappe.

  1. Standard Schutzklappe entfernen
  2. Die drei mitgelieferten O-Ringe montieren
  3. Die TPC19Q Schutzkappe aufstecken  


Color: Black
Material: Alu, aluminum

Accessory Items

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AGM Rattler TS19-256 Thermal Riflescope
AGM Rattler TS19-256 and Rattler TS25-256 are compact thermal imaging riflescopes designed for 24/7 operation under anyweather conditions and in any environment. The twoVariants of the objective lenses allow the best device for the specific needto choose, being the model with 19 mm lens for short-distance shootingis excellently suited.The thermal imaging scope has a thermal detector 384×288 andan OLED display 1024×768, which provides a clear picture in unfavorable conditionssuch as darkness, fog, smoke, dust, rain, snowfall, forest environment, camouflage,etc. guaranteed. The device can be used as a thermal imaging sight or a manual monocularbe used. The thermal imaging riflescope is found in particular atpatrols, hunting and other uses. • High sensitivity detector, thermal resolution 384×288• Image processing technology: Adaptive automaticGain Control (AGC), Digital Detail Enhancement (DDE), 3D DNR• OLED display with 1024×768 resolution• 8x digital magnification• Lightweight and compact construction• User-friendly control panel• Automatic and manual (silent) calibration• Video and photo recording• Built-in memory EMMC (16 GB)• Distance measurement• Adjustable color palettes• Wi-Fi data transmission• Waterproof, shock resistant• Powered by two standard CR123A batteries or tworechargeable batteries RCR123A• Up to 4.5 hours of continuous operation• External power supply possible• Limited 3-year warranty


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With the Silencer BIGBOY Airsoft (AS) series, Q Arms has created a silencer which comes in different designs (BLANK - BEEFY - QUAD) for three thread types (14mm CW - 14mm CCW - 16mm). The unique design stands out on every playing field and gives your airsoft gun a completely new look.  In addition, there is a matching insert for the Bigboy AS models which causes an enormous reduction in volume and a massive change in sound. The volume reduction in airsoft ONLY has a noticeable effect on airsoft rifles operated with compressed air (HPA)!!  The stronger the pressure of the gun, the stronger the reduction...   HPA - very strong effect  CO2 - effect good  GAS - effect weak  AEG - No effect  100% Made in Austria

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With the Silencer BIGBOY Airsoft (AS) series, Q Arms has created a silencer which comes in different designs (BLANK - BEEFY - QUAD) for three thread types (14mm CW - 14mm CCW - 16mm CW). The unique design stands out on every playing field and gives your airsoft gun a completely new look.  In addition, there is a matching insert for the Bigboy AS models which causes an enormous reduction in volume and a massive change in sound. The volume reduction in airsoft ONLY has a noticeable effect on airsoft rifles operated with compressed air (HPA)!!  The stronger the pressure of the gun, the stronger the reduction...   HPA - very strong effect  CO2 - effect good  GAS - effect weak  AEG - No effect  100% Made in Austria

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Q Arms BIGBOY BEEFY RM silencer (EMF)
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Q Arms BIGBOY BEEFY RM silencer (ST)
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