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Product information "Taginn Hornet KC (bang)"

The Hornet MK2 KC bullets from TAGINN belong to the so-called explosive bullets with a time fuse.

The projectile explodes on its own about 5 seconds or on impact after launch.

This projectile is particularly good for simulating vehicle fire, cars, tanks and other vehicles are clearly marked and out of the game with just one hit.

Can also be used for very realistic training scenarios.

The new MK2 KC grenade generation is only compatible with TAGINN KICK grenade launcher models and KICK shells.

Product details of the Hornet M2 KC grenades

- Cal. 38mm
- Grenade with an explosive core
- Suitable for Taginn KICK grenade launcher models & KICK grenade shells
- Delivery quantity (10 pieces / 1 box)
- CE approved for maximum product safety


ATTENTION - Please do not aim directly at people.

Accessory Items

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Taginn Launching Shell KICK (spring)
This mechanical device is intended for firing "KC" series pyrotechnic simulation capsules. Kick Shell operation is based on the mechanical principle of initiating the impact charge of the capsule located in its lower part. This means that the "Kick Shell" launcher does not require gas or battery charging. Usable with NEW generation grenades: Velum KC, Reaper KC, Fate KC, Pecker KC. ATTENTION the normal MK2 grenades do not work with the KICK Shell !!

2 in stock
ZentauroN Granatentasche 40mm, oliv
With its dimensions of 12 cm x 14 cm x 5 cm (H/W/D), the grenade bag is designed to hold three 40 mm grenadesThese can be fixed inside with three fastening loops Our bag is closed by a Velcro with a pulltab, so that the bag can be opened and closed quickly and safely even with gloves.A water drainage eyelet is attached to the bottomThe bag is equipped with a 3-row Faststick system for attachment to all common modular systems Material fabric: 100% polyamide (DuPont Cordura®) elastic band Polyamide webbing


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Taginn Ersatzhülse SHELL
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Taginn FATE MK2 (bang)
Merkmale: - Explosivgranate mit Aufschlags- und Zeitzünder - Zeitzünder mit 5 Sekunden - Aufprallzünder beim auftreffen auf ein festes Ziel - Cal. 36mm (Zum Abschuss aus 40mm-Hülsen) - Wirkradius: Am Aufschlagsbereich - Passend für alle Taginn Granatwerfer Modelle & Granathülsen und allen gängigen 40mm-Granatwerfermodellen aus dem Airsoft- und Paintballbereich - MK2 Munition ist auch passend für die neuste Granatwerfer Serie (z.B. TAG ML-36) - Wiederstandsfähig gegenüber Umwelteinflüssen und sehr zuverlässig - Liefermenge (10 Stück / 1 Karton) ACHTUNG: Bitte nicht direkt auf Personen zielen.

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Taginn FBG-4 2.0 Sound Handgranate (bang)
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Taginn FiSt2 Adapter for CO2 & HPA
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Taginn Granaten Tasche für 38mm Munition, camo
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